Biomedical Research Center
251 Bayview Boulevard
Suite 200, Room 04A521
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 443-740-2886
Scientific Director: Amy Hauck Newman, Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant to the Scientific Director: Brenna Swider
Deputy Scientific Director: Lorenzo Leggio, M.D., Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Scientific Director: Max Dennis
Associate Director for Technology: Marisela Morales, Ph.D.
Associate Director of HIV Research: Brandon Harvey, Ph.D.
Scientific Program Coordinator and NIDA Technology Development Coordinator: Janette Lebron, M.A.
Special Assistant to the Scientific Director: Wendy Marshall
Management Analyst: Deon Harvey, Ph.D.
Management Analyst: Megan Bollinger
Management Analyst: Crystal Kosko
Regulatory Affairs Officer: Leslie Premo, M.P.P., M.S.
The Office of the Scientific Director provides scientific, program, and administrative leadership for the Division of Intramural Research; promotes an environment conducive to productive research; and coordinates activities, establishes priorities, and analyzes and evaluates progress.
Office of Education and Career Development
Training programs at the NIDA Intramural Research Program are designed to train the next generation of leaders in basic and clinical drug abuse research. NIDA provides research training opportunities for high school, undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, graduate, medical, and postdoctoral students.
Director: Christie Brannock, M.B.A.
Board of Scientific Counselors
The Boards of Scientific Counselors (BSCs) were established at the NIH to assist the Scientific Directors in evaluating the quality of the intramural research programs for which they are responsible. The NIDA BSC is composed of individuals who themselves have outstanding scientific credentials and who are committed to providing rigorous, objective reviews of the intramural research program of NIDA.
Animal Care and Use Program
The Animal Care and Use Program of the Office of the Director is responsible for oversight of animal care and use at the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and provides animal research support services to intramural investigators. The Program also provides advice, guidance, and consultative services to scientific and administrative staff of the Institute.
Director: Quentin Wilson, DVM, DACLAM
Designer Drug Research Unit
The main goal of the DDRU is to collect, analyze and disseminate the most up-to-date information about the pharmacology and toxicology of newly-emerging designer drugs of abuse, more formally known as new psychoactive substances (NPS). NPS include synthetic drugs which mimic the effects of stimulants (e.g., “bath salts”), cannabinoids (e.g., “spice”), hallucinogens (e.g., “NBOMes”) and opioids (e.g., fentanyl analogs). These substances are specifically engineered to circumvent drug control laws and are often misused as a means to avoid detection of drug use.
Director: Michael H. Baumann, Ph.D.
Medication Development Program
The Medication Development Program’s mission is to develop potential medications to treat substance use disorders from target identification and assay development through licensing NIDA/IRP technology. Our objective is to provide services, training, resources and advice to Investigators who are working on Medication Development projects and can benefit from our skills and expertise.
Director: Amy Newman, Ph.D., Deputy Director: Gianluigi Tanda, Ph.D., Associate Director for Clinical Research: Lorenzo Leggio, M.D., Ph.D.
The Translational Analytical Core
The mission of the Translational Analytical Core (TAC) is to create a NIDA IRP-wide platform and mechanism for new, innovative translation and reverse translational collaborations, with a special emphasis on novel molecular approaches and analysis (e.g.: protein, lipids, small molecules). The TAC oversees and manages the bench laboratory located in the NIDA IRP BRC, 01B216.
Director: Lorenzo Leggio, M.D., Ph.D., Manager: Shelley Jackson, Ph.D.
Technology Development Initiative
The NIDA IRP Technology Development Initiative is committed to raising awareness of existing and emerging technologies; promoting education and outreach for NIDA IRP staff and trainees; facilitating collaborations among PIs and NIDA IRP Core Facilities; and to implement and develop technology with existing projects.
Associate Director of Technology: Marisela Morales, Ph.D., Deputy Associate Director of Technology: Brandon Harvey, Ph.D.