Hot Off the Press! – April 2016
Cadet, J L; Brannock, C; Krasnova, I N; Jayanthi, S; Ladenheim, B; McCoy, M T; Walther, D; Godino, A; Pirooznia, M; Lee, R S
Mol Psychiatry, 22 (8), pp. 1196–1204, 2016, ISSN: 1476-5578 (Electronic); 1359-4184 (Linking).
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VTA glutamatergic inputs to nucleus accumbens drive aversion by acting on GABAergic interneurons
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The nutrient sensor OGT in PVN neurons regulates feeding
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Aggregated single-walled carbon nanotubes attenuate the behavioural and neurochemical effects of methamphetamine in mice
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Brief optogenetic inhibition of dopamine neurons mimics endogenous negative reward prediction errors
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Sigma-1 receptor regulates Tau phosphorylation and axon extension by shaping p35 turnover via myristic acid
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Mesopontine median raphe regulates hippocampal ripple oscillation and memory consolidation
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Clonidine Maintenance Prolongs Opioid Abstinence and Decouples Stress From Craving in Daily Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial With Ecological Momentary Assessment
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Dopaminergic and glutamatergic microdomains in a subset of rodent mesoaccumbens axons
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Zhang, Shiliang; Qi, Jia; Li, Xueping; Wang, Hui-Ling; Britt, Jonathan P; Hoffman, Alexander F; Bonci, Antonello; Lupica, Carl R; Morales, Marisela
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A glutamatergic reward input from the dorsal raphe to ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons
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