Hot Off the Press! – August 2017
Gomez, Juan L; Bonaventura, Jordi; Lesniak, Wojciech; Mathews, William B; Sysa-Shah, Polina; Rodriguez, Lionel A; Ellis, Randall J; Richie, Christopher T; Harvey, Brandon K; Dannals, Robert F; Pomper, Martin G; Bonci, Antonello; Michaelides, Michael
Science, 357 (6350), pp. 503–507, 2017, ISSN: 1095-9203 (Electronic); 0036-8075 (Linking).
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Local Cues Establish and Maintain Region-Specific Phenotypes of Basal Ganglia Microglia.
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Dopamine transients are sufficient and necessary for acquisition of model-based associations.
Hot Off The Press – April 2017
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Pathway- and Cell-Specific Kappa-Opioid Receptor Modulation of Excitation-Inhibition Balance Differentially Gates D1 and D2 Accumbens Neuron Activity.
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Spatially Compact Neural Clusters in the Dorsal Striatum Encode Locomotion Relevant Information.
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Constituents and functional implications of the rat default mode network
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