The Confocal and Electron Microscopy Core (CEMC) provides self-service, service by contract, and consultation training.
Self-service access to equipment and image analysis workstation. The CEMC offers training for and access to certain equipment and image analysis workstation. First time users are required to complete one-on-one training and discuss standard operating procedures. Several training sessions are necessary for the use of equipment whose standard operating procedures are complicated, such as the transmission electron microscope, the ultrathin microtome, or the confocal microscopes.
Service by contract. The process for the preparation of biological material for ultrastructural TEM examination is complex. It includes brain perfusion, post-fixation, vibratome sectioning, sample storage, evaluations of multiple antibodies for optimal detection of antigens by EM, pre-embedding immunolabeling, ultrathin sectioning and counter staining, TEM image collection, and image analysis. It is very time consuming for a trainee to develop the necessary skills to obtain high quality material in a short period of time. Therefore, CEMC’s clients have been requesting service by contract, as an alternative to self-service or training. Prior to providing a “service by contract”, the Director and Manager of the CEMC have several meetings with the client(s) to discuss the optimal experimental approaches required for the project. These requirements are written into a “service by contract”.
Consulting and training. The CEMC provides consultation and training to NIDA-IRP investigators in many aspects of (a) processing samples for electron microscopy, (b) the use of the CEMC equipment and computers, as well as quantification and analysis of confocal and EM data.
Emerging technology development. The CEMC is developing emerging technology in correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), 3-D SEM reconstruction of neurons, pre-embedding immunolabeling SEM, super resolution microscopy, etc.