Shiliang Steven Zhang, Ph.D.
A NIDA IRP Core Facility
Core Manager
Biomedical Research Center
251 Bayview Blvd
Suite 200, Room 08A709
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 667-312-5373
Email: shiliang.zhang@nih.gov
About the Core
Mission: The NIDA IRP Confocal and Electron Microscopy Core (CEMC) serves NIDA-IRP researchers by providing access to confocal and electron microscopic technologies to characterize cellular and ultrastructural properties of organelles, tissue culture and brain tissue. Towards this end, the CEMC has established three goals:
Goal 1. Increase access to confocal and electron microscopic techniques to NIDA-IRP researchers.
Goal 2. Develop and adapt emerging confocal and electron microscopic techniques for NIDA-IRP researchers.
Goal 3. Provide consultations and training to NIDA-IRP researchers in the adaptation and execution of confocal and electron microscopic techniques and procedures.

Multiple inhibitory synapses on dopaminergic neurons