Post Bac Info [masterslider alias=”ms-76-1″]
Postbac Newsletter
Google Group 2019
Baltimore Postbac Listserv on Google groups!forum/baltimore-irtas/join Copy and paste this link into your browser Check it for fun activities going on around Baltimore, and chances to get your party on with other Postbacs from NIDA and NIA. Contact Mckenzie Prillaman or Jacob Ziontz
Community Outreach & Professional Events – January 2019
Want to get involved? SABES STEM Achievement in Baltimore Elementary Schools (SABES) is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded collaboration between Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools). Our purpose is to improve educational outcomes in STEM disciplines throughout Baltimore City’s elementary schools. Specifically, we focus on improving STEM curriculum and delivery in… [Read More]
Director’s Award for Quality of Worklife Eliminating Stigma in Addiction and Mental Illness Working Group In recognition of the efforts to increase our understanding of and sensitivity to addiction and mental illness so that we are empowered to end stigma Members: Stephen Heishman, Karran Phillips, Michelle Leff, Michelle Jobes, Carla Harrison, Mary Pfeiffer, Sam Stull,… [Read More]
Post Bac Spotlight – January 2019
Michael Chojnacki, B.S. “DREADD mediated inhibition of dorsal striatal D1 medium spiny neurons alters methamphetamine self-administration” Michael’s lab has previously demonstrated that compulsive methamphetamine taking subjects express higher levels of D1 receptor in dorsal striatum. To further explore this, Michael has used inhibitory DREADD to examine the effect of D1 inhibition on methamphetamine taking behavior…. [Read More]
Upcoming Events – January 2019
Brain Awareness Week March 3/11/19 -3/17/19 BAW is global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. This year it BAW is March 11th to 17th. We plan on going to local elementary/high schools throughout the week and educate them on the brain using crafts and activities. More information can be… [Read More]
January 2019 Postbac Newsletter Contents
[masterslider alias=”ms-89-2″] January 2019
Postbac Info – December 2018
PostBac Info Page Under construction. Check back in January.
Useful Info
OECD Services Dr. Heishman and Dr. Pfeiffer are available for services such as:Reviews for CVs, resumes, personal statements and essays for medical or graduate school, etc. Want to get prepared for a graduate or medical school interview, they can help set up a mock interview to improve your personal presentation! Contact either Dr. Heishman or… [Read More]
Google Group 2018
Baltimore Postbac Listserv on Google groups!forum/baltimore-irtas/join Copy and paste this link into your browser Check it for fun activities going on around Baltimore, and chances to get your party on with other Postbacs from NIDA and NIA. Contact Mckenzie Prillaman or Jacob Ziontz