NIH Director’s Award: Yavin Shaham, NIDA For the development of novel animal models that have led to a paradigm shift in research on behavior and brain mechanisms of drug addiction. Ruth Kirchstein Mentoring Award: Marisela Morales, NIDA For exemplary performance while demonstrating significant leadership, skill, and ability in serving as a mentor. NIDA Staff members… [Read More]
IRP News
Ayesha Sengupta awarded Women in Learning Research Grant
The Women in Learning Awards Committee has selected Ayesha Sengupta as the recipient of the 2020 “Where there’s a WIL there’s a way” Research Grant. This is the first award of its kind from WIL. It was designed to honor one outstanding yet underrepresented graduate student or post-doctoral fellow in the field of Learning &… [Read More]
Dr. Eliot Gardner receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Cannabinoid Research Society.
NIDA Investigator Dr. Eliot Gardner has been awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS). The ICRS is a non-political, non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential… [Read More]
NIDA IRP Scientist Michael Baumann, Ph.D. Edits a Special Journal Issue on Opioid Pharmacology
The origins of the current opioid crisis are complex, and effective solutions will require multidisciplinary cooperation among many stakeholders, including policymakers, clinicians, and scientists. To this end, basic research in pharmacology can provide critical information for addressing the crisis. In a Special Issue of Neuropharmacology, entitled “New Vistas in Opioid Pharmacology”, Dr Michael Baumann from the… [Read More]
2020 NIDA IRP Women Scientist Advisors Awards
The NIDA IRP Women Scientist Advisors awards ceremony is held annually to recognize the accomplishments of outstanding women scientists. The 2020 awardees are: Smriti Mongia, Ph.D. – Excellence in Research, Postdoctoral Fellow Stephanie Gantz, Ph.D. – Excellence in Research, Post-doctoral Fellow Daria Piacentino, Ph.D. – Promising Post-doctoral Fellow Flavia Barbano, Ph.D. – Research Recognition Award,… [Read More]
COVID-19 Announcement
The NIH intramural research program has shifted all non-mission-critical laboratory operations to a maintenance phase in order to promote physical distancing and diminished transmission risk of COVID-19. Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, only mission-critical functions within NIH research laboratories will be supported. If you have any questions about the current Coronavirus outbreak, please visit
Eliot Gardner Wins WCBR Pioneer Award
The Winter Conference on Brain Research (WCBR) has presented Eliot Gardner, Ph.D. of the NIDA IRP with the Pioneer Award for his lifetime of work in the field of neuropsychopharmacology. Dr. Gardner has attended WCBR for more than 50 years , participating in countless panels and workshops. He has also brought many of his students… [Read More]
Eliot Gardner Presented with Lifetime Achievement Award
Eliot Gardner received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Drug Abuse Research Society at its most recent meeting in Casablanca, Morocco. The award was presented to Dr. Gardner by the Prime Minister of Morocco, Saadeddine Othmani. Dr. Gardner was honored for his lifetime of groundbreaking research in the field of Neuropsychopharmacology at The NIDA… [Read More]
Amy Newman Wins the 2019 Ruth L. Kirschstein Mentoring Award
On July 15, 2019, Dr. Francis S. Collins presented our own Dr. Newman with the 2019 Ruth L. Kirschstein Mentoring Award. The Ruth L. Kirschstein Mentoring Award is given to individuals who have demonstrated significant leadership, skill, and ability in serving as mentor to one or more individuals. It was initiated to give formal recognition,… [Read More]
2020 NIDA IRP FARE winners
Congratulations to our 2020 FARE (Fellows Award for Research Excellence) winners! They will each receive a $1500 travel stipend to attend a meeting next fiscal year to present their research. They will also give a talk at the Baltimore Fellows Symposium on October 10, 2019. Congratulations to our 2020 FARE winners (left to right): Alessandro… [Read More]