Hot Off the Press! – November 2014
Zhang, Hai-Ying; Gao, Ming; Liu, Qing-Rong; Bi, Guo-Hua; Li, Xia; Yang, Hong-Ju; Gardner, Eliot L; Wu, Jie; Xi, Zheng-Xiong
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111 (46), pp. E5007-15, 2014, ISSN: 1091-6490 (Electronic); 0027-8424 (Linking).
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Hot off the Press
Serotonergic versus Nonserotonergic Dorsal Raphe Projection Neurons: Differential Participation in Reward Circuitry
Hot Off the Press! – September 2014
McDevitt, Ross A; Tiran-Cappello, Alix; Shen, Hui; Balderas, Israela; Britt, Jonathan P; Marino, Rosa A M; Chung, Stephanie L; Richie, Christopher T; Harvey, Brandon K; Bonci, Antonello
Cell Reports, 8 (6), pp. 1857–1869, 2014, ISBN: 2211-1247.
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Single rodent mesohabenular axons release glutamate and GABA
Hot Off the Press! – September 2014
Root, David H; Mejias-Aponte, Carlos A; Zhang, Shiliang; Wang, Hui-Ling; Hoffman, Alexander F; Lupica, Carl R; Morales, Marisela
Nat Neurosci, 17 (11), pp. 1543–1551, 2014, ISSN: 1546-1726 (Electronic); 1097-6256 (Linking).
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