Biomedical Research Center251 Bayview Boulevard
Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21224
Ph.D. - Cell Biology - National Center of Biomedical Analysis (NCBA) - China
M.S. - Histology and Embryology - Chongqing Medical University - China
M.D. - Clinical Medicine - Mudanjiang Medical College - China
Research Interests
Dr. Haiying Zhang worked first as a post-doc fellow at the Neuropsychopharmacology Section in 2009-2016 and then as a Research Fellow at the Addiction Biology Unit in 2016-2017. Her major research interest at NIDA IRP focused on identifying the brain CB2 receptor and understanding its function using molecular biology and cell imaging techniques. In 2017, she moved to the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University as a research associate to study neural mechanisms underlying glucose and energy homeostasis. In 2019, Haiying joined Dr. Lee Eiden’s laboratory in the Section on Molecular Neuroscience (SMN) at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) as a research scientist to study intracellular signal mechanisms (cAMP sensor, NCS-Rapgef2, ERK) in dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons underlying stress-associated disorders using whole transcriptomics analysis.
Current Contact:
Section on Molecular Neuroscience
National Institute of Mental Health
Email: haiying.zhang@nih.gov