Biomedical Research Center251 Bayview Blvd.
Suite 200
Room 01B606
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 443-740-2328
Ph.D. - Human Development and Family Studies - University of Wisconsin - Madison
B.S. - Psychology - University of Washington
Research Interests
Albert Burgess-Hull received his B.S. (2009) from the University of Washington and his PhD (2018) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During his PhD training at the University of Wisconsin, Albert’s research focused on the use of unsupervised clustering methods (e.g., finite mixture modeling) and other advanced analytic methods to examine the social/behavioral link between an individual’s social network and substance use behaviors. Albert has been regionally and nationally recognized for his research, leadership, and community outreach work, and is a Bouchet Graduate Honor Society member, a Yale Ciencia Academy Fellow, and a 2017 Social Networks and Health Fellow (Duke University). Albert joined the Real-world Assessment, Prediction, and Treatment (RAPT) in 2018.
Albert’s work in the RAPT unit incorporates the use of digital phenotyping, wearable sensor technologies, and Ecological Momentary Assessment methods to examine the proximal influences of drug use and lapse events during substance use treatment. He is particularly interested in how inter- and intra-individual differences can be leveraged to identify more generalizable associations between individual/environmental risk factors and substance use outcomes. He is also currently exploring how traditional survey instruments can be coupled with “big data” sources to identify high risk patients before treatment initiation.
Selected Publications
Finite Mixture Models with Student t Distributions: an Applied Example. Journal Article
In: Prev Sci, 2020, ISSN: 1573-6695 (Electronic); 1389-4986 (Linking).
Prediction of stress and drug craving ninety minutes in the future with passively collected GPS data Journal Article
In: npj Digital Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 26, 2020, ISBN: 2398-6352.
The social networks of smokers attempting to quit: An empirically derived and validated classification. Journal Article
In: Psychol Addict Behav, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 64–75, 2018, ISSN: 1939-1501 (Electronic); 0893-164X (Linking).
HPV vaccination among a community sample of young adult women. Journal Article
In: Vaccine, vol. 29, no. 32, pp. 5238–5244, 2011, ISSN: 1873-2518 (Electronic); 0264-410X (Linking).