Welcome to the NIDA Intramural Research Program (IRP) Web Site. This site contains descriptive information and representative recent publications of IRP Independent Investigators. We hope you will find it useful for learning about IRP research programs and for opportunities for participation in basic and clinical drug abuse research.
What is NIDA?
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), one of the 27 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is dedicated to understanding the causes, consequences and treatment of substance use disorders. To meet this challenge, NIDA runs a research facility (Intramural Research Program, IRP) the Johns Hopkins Bayview Campus in East Baltimore. The mission of the NIDA IRP is to better understand substance use disorders and the many factors which may contribute to this enormous medical, public health and societal problem. We at NIDA understand the personal devastation caused by substance use disorders, as well as its destruction of families and communities. Through research we hope to better understand the causes of this problem and develop new and more effective prevention strategies and treatments for people who suffer from substance use disorders.
Our Mission
To conduct state-of-the-art basic, preclinical and clinical research on mechanisms that underlie substance use disorders, addiction and relapse. Ultimately we hope to translate these efforts into new methods for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders highlighting the following:
- Enhancing our research by taking advantage of our unique and outstanding strengths
- Increasing translational research and fortifying our clinical portfolio
- Strengthening our basic science with investment in Technology
- Prioritizing Trans-NIH initiatives and growing strong ties with other institutes