Former Laboratory Technician,
Cellular Stress and Inflammation Section
Former Laboratory Technician,
Genetic Engineering and Viral Vector Core
Biomedical Research Center251 Bayview Boulevard
Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21224
Email: lana.gore@nih.gov
Research Interests
Lana received her Bachelor of Science in Genetics from Clemson University. She first began research in a cardiovascular tissue engineering lab at Clemson and received Departmental Honors in Bioengineering upon completion of her undergraduate thesis. After graduating from Clemson, she then began research in a functional genomics lab focusing on GNAO1 encephalopathy, a rare neurological disorder. Currently, Lana splits her time between the Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Stress and Inflammation section (MMCSI) and the Genetic Engineering and Viral Vector Core (GEVVC).
Core-Related Expertise:
- Primary cell isolation and culture
- Cell line maintenance
- Immunostaining and western blot analysis
- In-vitro functional validation and quality assurance (Transfection)
- Nucleic acid quantification (qPCR)